Environment Variables
Set environment variables to change program settings.
Name | Default Value | Description |
APP_DEBUG | false | Print prompt to console. The value must be true of false . |
APP_WEBHOOK_PATH | /webhook | Custom webhook path. |
APP_API_TIMEOUT | 9000 | Timeout for API calls. |
APP_LANG | zh | Application language. The value must be one of zh_TW , zh_CN , en or ja . |
APP_MAX_GROUPS | 1 | Maximum groups. The VERCEL_ACCESS_TOKEN environment variable is required. |
APP_MAX_USERS | 5 | Maximum users. The VERCEL_ACCESS_TOKEN environment variable is required. |
APP_MAX_PROMPT_MESSAGES | 12 | Maximum prompt sentences. |
APP_MAX_PROMPT_TOKENS | 1024 | Maximum prompt tokens. |
APP_INIT_PROMPT | '' | Initial prompt of system. |
HUMAN_NAME | '' | Name of user. |
HUMAN_INIT_PROMPT | '' | Initial prompt of user. |
BOT_NAME | AI | Name of AI Assistant. This is used to call AI Assistant when auto-reply is deactivated. |
BOT_INIT_PROMPT | '' | Initial prompt of AI Assistant. |
BOT_TONE | '' | Tone of AI Assistant. |
BOT_DEACTIVATED | false | Deactivate auto-reply at the beginning. The value must be true of false . |
ERROR_TIMEOUT_DISABLED | false | Disable timeout error. The value must be true of false . |
VERCEL_TIMEOUT | <APP_API_TIMEOUT> | Timeout for Vercel API calls. |
VERCEL_PROJECT_NAME | gpt-ai-assistant | Vercel project name. You can use this environment variable when the Vercel project name differs from the GitHub project name. |
VERCEL_TEAM_ID | null | Vercel team ID. You must use this environment variable when using Vercel's Pro plan. |
VERCEL_ACCESS_TOKEN | null | Vercel access token |
VERCEL_DEPLOY_HOOK_URL | null | Vercel deploy hook URL |
OPENAI_TIMEOUT | <APP_API_TIMEOUT> | Timeout for OpenAI API calls. |
OPENAI_API_KEY | null | OpenAI API key |
OPENAI_BASE_URL | https://api.openai.com | OpenAI API Endpoint. |
OPENAI_COMPLETION_MODEL | gpt-3.5-turbo | Refer to model parameter for details. |
OPENAI_COMPLETION_TEMPERATURE | 0.9 | Refer to temperature parameter for details. |
OPENAI_COMPLETION_MAX_TOKENS | 160 | Refer to max_tokens parameter for details. |
OPENAI_COMPLETION_FREQUENCY_PENALTY | 0 | Refer to frequency_penalty parameter for details. |
OPENAI_COMPLETION_PRESENCE_PENALTY | 0.6 | Refer to presence_penalty parameter for details. |
OPENAI_COMPLETION_STOP_SEQUENCES | assistant:,user: | Refer to stop parameter for details. |
OPENAI_IMAGE_GENERATION_MODEL | dall-e-2 | Refer to model parameter for details. |
OPENAI_IMAGE_GENERATION_SIZE | 256x256 | Refer to size parameter for details. |
OPENAI_IMAGE_GENERATION_QUALITY | standard | Refer to quality parameter for details. |
LINE_TIMEOUT | <APP_API_TIMEOUT> | Timeout for LINE Messaging API calls. |
LINE_CHANNEL_ACCESS_TOKEN | null | LINE channel access token |
LINE_CHANNEL_SECRET | null | LINE channel secret |
SERPAPI_TIMEOUT | <APP_API_TIMEOUT> | Timeout for SerpApi API calls. |
SERPAPI_API_KEY | null | SerpApi API key |
SERPAPI_LOCATION | Taiwan | Location of search。 |
SERPAPI_LANG | lang_zh-TW | Language of search。 |
Click the "Redeploy" button to redeploy if there are any changes.